October 24, 2024 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 7.5.1 released
- Shell engine updated to 2.3.2 version.
October 16, 2024 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 7.4.1 released
- Support of MongoDB 8.0 server added.
June 29, 2024 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 7.3.3 released
- Retryable Writes option supports the values 'server default', 'true' and 'false' now.
June 20, 2024 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 7.3.2 released
- 'Command replSetGetStatus not supported.' error occurred on some Azure versions. Fixed now.
- Diagnose Connection Dialog shows detailed error messages now.
May 3, 2024 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 6.5 released
- Added support of Apache Cassandra 5.0-beta.
- Added base support of vector column type.
March 19, 2024 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 7.3 released
- Support of MongoDB 7.3 server added.
- mongodump GUI tool supports mongodb+srv connections now.
- Import connection string: 'Options expected.' error occurred for some mongodb+srv strings. Fixed.
- Duplicate Collection tool is available in Freeware version now.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
August 28, 2023 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 7.2 released
- Support of MongoDB 7.0 server added.
- Fixed 'UseConnectionMode must not be used for a LoadBalancedCluster.' error while connecting to MongoDB Atlas.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
May 5, 2023 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 6.4 released
- Import Data from File: Import data from MS Excel Binary (*.xls) files added.
- Import Data from File: An error occurred while importing time data from CSV files. Fixed now.
- Import Data from File: Source file line number is displayed now in case of data reading or conversion error.
- Import Data from File: Performance optimization, minor bug fixes and improvements.
April 24, 2023 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 6.3 released
- DB Explorer and pages are dockable now.
- DB Explorer objects are updated automatically when you create or drop users, roles or tables in CQL Editor.
- Now you can refresh server objects in DB Explorer with Refresh button.
- Attempt to create users and roles with uppercase names raised an error. Fixed now.
- New 'Hide deprecated users' option added. The option is available on DB Explorer tab of the Options form.
February 13, 2023 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 7.1 released
- DB Explorer and pages are dockable now.
- Collection Editor: Query, Projection and Order editors are resized automatically to fit text now.
- Shell shows returned documents count now.
- Shell: Load Previous Documents button added.
- Shell: View mode reverted back to Tree View after re-running a query. Fixed now.
- Script Editor, Data Viewer: strings are highlighted with spectial color now.
- Data Viewer: focused JSON document is highlighted with vertical marker on Gutter panel now.
- Import SQL Database: 'Scroll log down automatically' option added.
- Import SQL Database: Added hints to show tables error details.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
December 29, 2022 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 6.2 released
- Added support of Apache Cassandra 4.1.
December 9, 2022 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 6.1.1 released
- Fixed 'Could not load file or assembly Newtonsoft.Json' error that occurred sometimes when connecting with Secure connect bundle.
- Fixed 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' error that occured when connecting to some DataStax Astra databases.
August 19, 2022 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 6.1 released
- Import SQL Database: 'Scroll log down automatically' option added.
- Import SQL Database: Added hints to show tables error details.
- Import Data from File: 'Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.' error fixed.
- The tool doesn't require .Net Framework installed now.
- Dark theme color issues fixed.
- New connection dialog: 'New connection' already exists error fixed.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
We are pleased to announce the major release of NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 6.0
- Now you can use folders to group connections in DB Explorer.
- Dark visual theme added. Use Main menu|Options|Visual Options|Visual theme to change current theme.
- Copy Selected Text as HTML feature added. It allows exporting of selected text from CQL editor as HTML with formatting and syntax highlighting preserved.
- 'Save as...' menu command added to CQL Editor.
- CQL Editor: Name of loaded file is used as tab caption now.
- CQL Editor: Tab file name is saved between sessions now.
- Load File command opens file on a new CQL Editor tab now.
- Now CQL Editor asks to save changed files before closing.
- Some confirmation dialogs might truncate information text. Fixed now.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
Version 6.0 release notes
We are pleased to announce the major release of NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 7.0
- New SQL Editor tool translates SQL commands to MongoDB queries and runs them.
- Now you can use folders to group connections in DB Explorer.
- Base support of MongoDB 6.0 has been added.
- Copy Selacted Text as HTML feature added. It allows exporting of selected text from Shell and SQL editors as HTML with formatting and syntax highlighting preserved.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
January 31, 2022 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 6.2 released
- Support of MongoDB 5.2 version added.
- Dark visual theme added. Use Main menu|Options|Visual Options|Visual theme to change current theme.
- Support of timeseries tables added.
- Support of Percona Server for MongoDB 5.0 added.
- Role Editor: applyOps privilege added.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
We are pleased to announce NoSQL Manager for Cassandra - Mac version
- NoSQL Manager for Cassandra is availabe for macOS operating system now.
January 10, 2022 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra for Linux 0.9.1 released
- AppImage format is used now for distribution.
- Application icon was empty. Fixed now.
- Minor fixes and usability improvements.
January 5, 2022 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra for Linux 0.9 released
- CQL Editor: CQL code autocompletion added.
- CQL Editor: 'Save as...' menu command added.
- DB Explorer: Ability to search database items by name added.
- Start Page shows product news now.
- Performance optimizations and small usability improvements.
We are pleased to announce NoSQL Manager for Cassandra for Linux
- NoSQL Manager for Cassandra is availabe for Linux (Ubuntu and Debian) operating systems now.
We are pleased to announce the major release of NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 6.1
- Save as...' menu command added to Shell editor.
- Shell: Name of loaded file is used as tab caption now.
- Shell: Tab file name is saved between sessions now.
- Load File command opens file on a new shell tab now.
- Now Shell asks to save changed files before closing.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
August 2, 2021 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 5.1 released
- Support of Apache Cassandra 4.0 added.
- Support of ScyllaDB 4.4 added.
- Table Editor: View Index feature added.
- Table Editor: Index options was omitted on CQL tab. Fixed now.
- Table Editor: DSE nodesync option added.
- DB Explorer: Now you can hide system keyspaces with new 'Hide system keyspaces' option.
- Duplicate Table and Copy Keyspace tools now copy tables correctly if source and destination server versions differ.
- Added support of FULL and ENTRIES indexes.
- Index Editor allows to choose recent class names from a drop-down list now.
- Support of Point, LineString and Polygon DSE types added.
- Keyspace editor: Show CQL feature might show wrong CQL. Fixed now
- Keyspace editor: Added support of DSE graph_engine parameter.
We are pleased to announce the major release of NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 6.0
- Support of MongoDB 5.0 has been added.
- Installer: Optional ability to install MongoDB Database Tools has been added.
- Copy Collections Tool: The tool might freeze briefly after clicking the Execute button. Fixed now.
- Copy Collections: 'noTimeout cursors are disallowed in this atlas tier.' error occurred on Atlas M0 clusters. Fixed now.
- Collection Editor, Validation: repair option has been added.
- Some confirmation dialogs might truncate information text. Fixed now.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
July 9, 2021 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 5.10 released
- Now you can connect to a MongoDB using command line parameters.
- Sharded cluster connections are detected automatically now.
June 1, 2021 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 5.9 released
- Collection Editor shows collection shard keys on Properties tab now.
- x.509 authentication is supported for MongoDB Atlas databases now.
- 'new ObjectId()' statement raised a parsing error in Document Editor. Fixed now.
- Deleting or updating an element in a sharded collection raised an error. Fixed now.
- Help|Renew Maintenance menu item opened an unknown license key page for some license keys. Fixed now.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
January 8, 2021
We are pleased to announce the major release of NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 5.0
We are pleased to announce the major release of NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 5.0
- Now you can import data from CSV, JSON and Excel files with brand new Import Data from File tool.
- New Copy Kesypace tool allows to copy one or more keyspaces between different hosts.
- Export Tables Data to File tool allows to export data from several tables at once now. The exporting process doesn't block UI anymore.
- Duplicate Table tool added.
- CQL Dump now considers objects dependencies while saving DDL statements to a CQL file.
- Unknown strategy class 'com.amazonaws.cassandra.DefaultReplication' error fixed.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
Version 5.0 release notes
November 22, 2020 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 4.2 released
- New CQL Dump Tool allows you to make a keyspace backup by generating a text file that contains CQL statements.
- Added support of virtual keyspaces and virtual tables.
- Now you can specify table options while creating a new table using Table Editor.
- 'Install for current user only' installation mode added. Now you can install the tool on machines where you don't have administrator access.
- Now you can install the software in silent mode using /silent /licenskey=<key> command line parameters.
- Now the tool saves configuration changes (connections, scripts and settings) in case of abnormal program termination.
- Import Data from External Database supports MySQL 8 now.
October 26, 2020 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 5.8 released
- Files Manager: filtering and ordering features added, ability to abort documents fetching added, performance improved.
- 'Install for current user only' installation mode added. Now you can install the tool on machines where you don't have administrator access.
- Support of MONGODB-AWS authentication mechanism added. Now you can use it for connection to your Amazon Web Services.
- 'Unable to cast object of type MongoDB.Bson.BsonNull to type MongoDB.Bson.BsonArray' error occurred for some MongoDB servers. Fixed now.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
June 15, 2020 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 5.7 released
- Support of MongoDB 4.4 release candidate added.
- Default data view mode option added. Now you can specify which view mode (Tree, Table or Text) should be used by default in Collection Editor or Shell data tab.
- Azure Cosmos DB 'Command usersInfo not supported. Code: 115' error fixed.
- Import Connection String decodes percent-encoded text correctly now.
- LING Query 'Compiler Error: Line 32,13: MongoDBManager.Linq.LinqDatabase ...' error fixed.
- Some Thai chars were displayed incorrectly in JSON view. Fixed now.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
May 8, 2020 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 5.6.3 released
- Collection Editor: Support of binary subtype 6 added.
- The tool saves configuration changes (connections, scripts and settings) in case of abnormal program termination.
- Added Support hieroglyphs option in Options|Visual Options.
- Autodetection of replica set protocol version added. Now replica set operations work correctly on any MongoDB server.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
April 28, 2020 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 4.1 released
- Support of DataStax Astra secure connect bundle added.
- New connection: Consistency Level option added.
- Added ability to export/import the tool settings to/from file.
- DB Explorer: improved browsing speed for keyspaces with large amount of items.
- CQL Editor scripts and history are saved now if connection was renamed.
- Tables and View editors: memory usage reduced.
- Options|Visual Options|Support hieroglyphs option added.
- Some other improvements and bugfixes done.
March 5, 2020 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 5.6 released
- New Duplicate Collection tool copies collection structure and supports documents limit. Compatible with MongoDB 4.2+ now.
- Now you can specify replica set read preference mode for DNS seedlist (mongodb+srv://) connections.
- Import/export connection string features support new connection string parameters added in MongoDB 4.2.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
January 16, 2020 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 5.5.4 released
- Support of MongoDB 4.3 added.
- New MongoDB Connection: Import connection string function reads special characters of passwords (like #!) correctly now.
- Collection Editor showed indexes list empty for several 4.1.x servers. Fixed now.
November 25, 2019 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 5.5.3 released
- 'Enable retryable writes' connection option added.
- Field Editor: 'Cannot serialize BsonBinaryData with GuidRepresentation Unspecified' error occurred for some fields. Fixed now.
- FileManager ignored 'Write filenames without the path' options. Fixed now.
- TableEditor displayed data from large collections very slowly even with limit option on. Fixed now.
- Mongodump and mongorestore displayed logs after the end only. Fixed now.
November 25, 2019 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 5.5 released
- Collection Editor: improved data rendering speed in Table mode.
- Collection and View editors: memory usage reduced.
- DB Explorer: improved browsing speed for databases with large amount of items.
- Shell scripts and history are saved now if connection was renamed.
- Create New Collection: Show Command button did nothing. Fixed now.
- Mongodump utility froze UI during dumping more than 10000 collections. Fixed now.
- Mongodump and mongorestore utilities: log size limit removed.
- User Editor showed authenticationRestrictions option empty. Fixed now.
- 'Unexpected shell engine error. Code: 1' error occurred sometimes in Shell for DNS-based seedlist connections. Fixed now.
October 10, 2019 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 5.4 released
- Added DB Explorer Details panel to show details for active database item.
- Added ability to export/import the tool settings to/from file.
- Shell Editor:
- Autocomplete menu helps to type collection fields now.
- Autocomplete menu shows details for methods and commands now./li>
- Added tooltip to show details for methods and commands./li>
- Collection Editor:
- Collection properties are refreshed asynchronous, the process doesn't freeze UI now.
- Query editor autocomplete menu helps to type collection fields now.
- Count of documents that match a query is displayed now.
- You can open several editors for one collection now.
- Index Editor:
- Keys editor autocompletion menu helps to type index fields now.
- Indexes are created in background by default for MongoDB 4.2 now.
- Index creation progress was hidden for MongoDB 4.0 and higher. Fixed now.
- Operation Monitor shows operation details now.
- Server Status displays uptime in standard time format now.
- 'namespace not found' error occurred sometimes during connection. Fixed now.
June 26, 2019 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 5.3 released
- Initial support of MongoDB 4.2 added.
- 'Unexpected shell engine error. Code: 1' error occurred in Shell for connections with Kerberos authentication. Fixed now.
- DB Explorer: Generate db.createCollection command creates indexes now.
June 20, 2019 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 4.0 released
- Now CQL Editor highlights error statements.
- CQL Editor: autocomplete menu shows column names for SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE and INSERT statements now.
- CQL Editor: SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE and INSERT code snippets added.
- Data Editor: Now you can select and delete multiple table rows.
- Data Editor: Added ability to copy selected value to the Clipboard.
- Data Editor: Now you can copy selected rows to the Clipboard and paste them to another table or to MS Excel.
- Data Editor: Now you can generate SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE statements for selected rows.
- New DB Explorer Details panel shows details for active database item.
- Abort script execution on error option added.
- Shell execute from file: Abort execution on error option added.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
Version 4.0 release notes
May 30, 2019 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 5.2 released
- SSL option 'Allow invalid hostnames' added. It allows connections to servers with non-matching hostnames.
- Now you can install the software in silent mode using /silent /licenskey=<key> command line parameters.
- 'Keys field format is incorrect.' error occurred while duplicating an index with sub-field. Fixed now.
- 'Unexpected shell engine error. Code: 1' error occurred in Shell while establishing SSL connection over SSH tunnel.
May 10, 2019 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 5.1 released
- Collection Editor: now you can use { : /pattern/<options> } notation for queries.
- Added support for TTL indexes.
- Now you can get some advices for specific connection errors.
- Object reference is null error occurred sometimes in Shell. Fixed now.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
March 13, 2019 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 5.0 released
- New Shell parser conforms to ECMAScript 2016 standard.
- Now Shell highlights error lines.
- New Schema Analyzer tool allows to visualize data distributions quickly and easily.
- Performance Monitor tool added.
- Shell: now paged mode is used to display result on Documents View tab.
- Reworked User Editor has better usability.
- Improved Role Editor allows to manage roles and privileges easier.
- Shell: abort script execution on error option added.
- Shell: significantly reduced display time for large document set.
- Greatly reduced memory usage for huge results.
- Shell execute from file: Abort execution on error option added.
- Shell: redirect output to file works faster now.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
Version 5.0 release notes
January 14, 2019 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 4.10 released
- Added support for Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility).
- Collection Editor: Copy Field Name to Clipboard and Copy Field Value to Clipboard commands added.
- Import Data from CSV File: new option added – now you can ignore empty values or use null value.
- Import Data from CSV File: column highlighting added.
- Import Data from CSV File: improvements in data types detection of source columns.
- Object reference not set to an instance error occurred in some cases while retrieving replica sets. Fixed now.
- Collection Editor: an error occurred in rare cases while retrieving collecton statistics. Fixed now.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
January 6, 2019 Cloud Spanner Manager 0.9 released
- SQL Editor: Execute script from file feature added.
- Data Editor: Tables and queries with a lot of columns were rendered very slowly. Fixed now.
- Start Page: Now you can pin recent tabs.
- The software is The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) complaint now.
December 18, 2018 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 3.8 released
- Client-to-node SSL encryption added.
- Client certificate authentication added.
- Some other improvements and bugfixes done.
November 15, 2018 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB released
- Users who don’t have listCollections privilege can connect to databases and work with own collections in DB Explorer now (for MongoDB 4.x).
- 'Prohibited character at position' error occurred rarely during connection. Fixed now.
- Operation Monitor opening crashed the application. Fixed now.
October 26, 2018 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 3.7 released
- Data Editor: It wasn’t possible to delete and update rows with timestamps in a primary key. Fixed now.
- Data Editor: Tables and queries with a lot of columns were rendered very slowly. Fixed now.
- Data Editor: Windows regional settings don’t affect on double, float and decimal values representation now.
- Data Export: Timestamp values are formatted correctly now.
- Cannot convert null to Boolean because it is a value type, try using Nullable error occurred in some cases during connection. Fixed now.
- Some other improvements and bugfixes done.
August 7, 2018 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB released
- Added support of SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication.
June 13, 2018 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB released
- Partial support of MongoDB 4.0 added.
- no such cmd: usersInfo connection error fixed.
- no such command: replSetGetStatus, bad cmd: { replSetGetStatus: '1' } connection error fixed.
- Element members not found error fixed.
- Cannot accept sharding commands if not started with –shardsvr error fixed.
- Command replSetGetStatus failed: Our replica set config is invalid or we are not a member of it error fixed.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
May 3, 2018 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 3.6 released
- DataStax Enterprise (DSE) 6.0 is supported now.
- The software is The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) complaint now.
- Unknown field type org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.TimeType error fixed.
- Some other improvements and bugfixes done.
April 26, 2018 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB released
- The software is The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) complaint now.
- User is not allowed to do action [find] on [database.system.namespaces] error fixed.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
March 15, 2018 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 3.5 released
- Mixed-case UDF names and names with spaces supported now.
- Switching on the LZ4 compression option raised an error during connection. Fixed now.
- Unknown data type ‘”‘ connection error fixed.
- Unknown field type ‘org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.SimpleDateType’ connection error occurred on Cassandra 2.2 fixed.
- Some other improvements and bugfixes done.
February 5, 2018 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 4.9 released
- Shell: Execute script from file feature added.
- Added support of DNS-based seedlist connections (mongodb+srv connection strings).
- Start Page: Now you can pin recent tabs.
- Import SQL Database: Source tables are ordered by name now.
- Import SQL Database: Added support of hierarhyid, geometry and geography SQL Server data types.
- Import SQL Database: An error occurred during importing of SQL Server tinyint columns. Fixed now.
- Import connection string: authSource option parsed correctly now.
January 15, 2018 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 3.4 released
- CQL Editor: Execute script from file feature added.
- CQL Editor: Script execution progress added.
- CQL Editor: Added support of $$ code_block $$ construction.
- CQL Editor: Some minor improvements in code highlighting.
- Added Generate Command item to DB Explorer context menu. That allows to get commonly used CQL commands for selected keyspace item.
- Show CQL button added to column, index, user and role editors.
- Now you can specify several cluster’s hosts for a connection.
- Connection compression option added.
- Now detailed error message displayed in case of connection error.
- Table Editor: Default tab and default row limit options added.
- Start Page: Now you can pin recent tabs.
- Import SQL Database: Source tables are ordered by name now.
- Import SQL Database: Added support of hierarhyid, geometry and geography SQL Server data types.
- Import SQL Database: An error occurred during importing of SQL Server tinyint columns. Fixed now.
- The tool showed some function arguments as frozen. Fixed now.
December 4, 2017 We are pleased to announce our new tool – Cloud Spanner Manager v0.8 beta
- View and edit any data stored in Google Cloud Spanner databases.
- Powerful SQL Editor tool with syntax highlighting, code completion and multiple queries. SQL Editor supports DDL, SELECT and INSERT statements.
- Simple management of databases, tables and indexes.
- Database Explorer for easy management of Google Cloud Spanner objects.
- Multiple instances and databases connections.
October 31, 2017 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB released
- Data Editor: ‘Order by Element’ and ‘Filter by Element’ menu items added.
- Data Editor: ‘Paste Documents from Clipboard’ menu item added.
- LINQ Query: Now you can specify several .Net class libraries.
- Shell: ‘Do not output command details for multi-command scripts’ option added.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
October 22, 2017 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 3.3 released
- Now you can select and delete several objects like keyspaces, tables and users in DB Explorer.
- Cassandra-compatible ScyllaDB is supported now.
- Keyspaces and keyspace objects can be displayed in alphabetical order now.
- Now you can load from file and save to file BLOB values.
- Window Tab hints show window’s host and database information now.
- Import Data from External Database: ‘Connection and command timeout’ option added to Sql Server connection dialog.
- Now you can change visual theme for the application.
July 26, 2017 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB released
- We are pleased to announce new tool – LINQ Query.
- Window Tab hints show window’s host and database information now.
- Collection Editor: You can specify Limit and Skip values on Query Panel now.
- Collection Editor: Data View|Font option didn’t affect Stats view. Fixed now.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
May 29, 2017 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB released
- Now you can select and delete several objects like databases, collections and roles in DB Explorer.
- Added ability to duplicate documents in collections.
- Added Alt+G short-cut key for generation new ObjectId values in script editors.
- Now you can change font in Tree, Table and Text views with Options|Data View|Font option.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
May 11, 2017 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB released
- Added ability to add fields to all documents in collection.
- Added ability to remove fields from all documents in collection.
- Now you can change visual theme for the application.
- Import Data from External Database: ‘Connection and command timeout’ option added to Sql Server connection dialog.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
May 7, 2017 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 3.2 released
- DB Explorer: added ‘Server sorting order’ option. You can display registered hosts in alphabetical order now.
- Added ability to specify a connection color (Connection Properties->Options tab->Connection color). The specified color is used to highlight the connection name in DB Explorer, on Window tabs and in Windows menu. That allows to work with many servers more productive.
- Added support of smallint, date and type field types.
- Recent Windows: recent item focused in DB Explorer now.
- Some minor visual improvements.
April 9, 2017 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB released
- Fixed 'command failed' error occurred during connection to a replica set hosted on MongoDB Atlas platform.
April 4, 2017 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB released
- Released NoSQL Manager for MongoDB Freeware Edition.
- Data Editor: Now you can edit an entire document as JSON.
- Collection Editor: Collection validation feature added.
- File Manager: File ID grid column added.
- Press of Ctrl+Tab keys hided cursor location in Shell Editors. Fixed now.
March 7, 2017 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB
- Operation Monitor tool added.
- GUI interface for mongotop.exe utility added.
- Test Connection menu command added.
- Shell shows script execution time now.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
February 3, 2017 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB
- ‘Object reference not set to an instance of an object.’ error occurred sometimes during Shell initialization. Fixed now.
- Error messages on failed connection more informative now.
- Connection progress windows sizable now.
January 30, 2017 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 4.2
- DB Explorer: added ‘Server sorting order’ option. You can display registered hosts in alphabetical order now.
- Text index properties were not retrieved from databases. Fixed now.
- Collections with text indices are copied to another databases without errors now.
- Recent Windows: recent item focused in DB Explorer now.
- ‘Pem file doesn’t contain certificates.’ error occurred for some SSL connections. Fixed now.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
December 22, 2016 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB
- Added support of MongoDB views.
- Now Connection color used for links on Start Page and on Active Windows.
- Some minor fixes and improvements.
December 17, 2016 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB
- Fixed ‘System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.’ error occurred when using MONGODB-X509 authentication.
- Error ‘Failed to parse mongodb URL’ occurred in Shell while connecting to a MongoDB 3.4 replica set. Fixed now.
- Unhandled exception occurred sometimes while Shell starting. Fixed now.
December 11, 2016 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 4.0
- Now Shell supports MongoDB 3.4 commands.
- Added support of decimal 128 data type.
- New Collection and Collection Editor support collations now.
- Added option ‘Do not output warnings’ to Shell.
- Some minor fixes.
November 29, 2016 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 3.1
- Start Page: ability to open recent windows. Allows to start work more quickly.
- ‘Find in DB Explorer’ feature added.
- New commands added to CQL Editor context menu.
- Added ‘Use F5 key to execute selected statement’ CQL Editor option.
- Now you can specify font for CQL Editor.
- SSH connection is kept alive in idles.
- ‘Close all but this’ menu command added to Windows tabs.
November 25, 2016 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 3.9
- Index Editor now supports partial filter expressions (partialFilterExpression property).
- Now you can view index properties in Collection Editor.
- New Collection Dialog and Collection Editor support document validators (validator property) now.
- Test Connection Dialog shows detailed connection log now.
- Added support of TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 protocols for SSL connections.
- New commands added to Shell Editor context menu:
- Find (Ctrl+F)
- Find and Replace (Ctrl+H)
- Go To (Ctrl+G)
- Format Selected JSON (Ctrl+Shift+F)
- Make Uppercase (Ctrl+Shift+U)
- Make Lowercase (Ctrl+Shift+L)
- Comment\Uncomment Selection (Ctrl+Shift+C)
- Increase Line Indent
- Decrease Line Indent
- Added ‘Use F5 key to execute selected statement’ Shell option.
You can use F5 key instead of F9 key to execute selected statements when this option is checked. - Now you can specify font for Shell Editor.
- MongoDB Connection Properties Dialog: Now you can copy connection properties from any other regestered connection.
October 20, 2016 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 3.8
- Start Page: ability to open recent windows. Allows to start work more quickly.
- ‘Find in DB Explorer’ feature added.
- Creation of background indexes are asynchronous now, without GUI locking.
- Index creation progress is showed now.
- ‘Show command’ button added to Index Editor.
- ‘Max connection idle time’ option added to Connection Options.
- SSH connection is kept alive in idles.
- ‘Close all but this’ menu command added to Windows tabs.
- Some minor fixes.
September 30, 2016 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 3.0
- Added support of user defined functions, aggregate functions and materialized views.
- Data Browser now can show data using Table View and Card View modes.
- Now embedded SSH tunneling supports OpenSSH server on Ubuntu 16.04.
- Added ‘Command timeout’ option.
- ‘Import Data from External Database’ tool now shows warning if ‘Replace existing collections’ option checked.
- Null field values are displayed as ‘null’ on the Table View now.
- Some minor visual improvements.
September 9, 2016 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 3.7
- Now you can redirect Shell output to a file. It allows to save large result sets with small memory utilization.
- Now embedded SSH tunneling supports OpenSSH server on Ubuntu 16.04.
- Mongodump UI tool now supports new features of mongodump utility v3.2 including archive and gzip options.
- Mongorestore UI tool now supports new features of mongorestore utility v3.2.
- ‘Import Data from External Database’ tool now shows warning if ‘Replace existing collections’ option checked.
- DB Explorer connects to MongoDB servers faster now.
- An error occurred sometimes in Shell for empty replica set name connections. Fixed now.
July 18, 2016 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB
- Added support of ‘undefined’ field values.
- Added ability to view sub-documents by double-click in Table View even if _id field is omitted.
- Fixed ‘System.InvalidCastException’ error occurred sometimes while opening ‘Import Data from External Database…’ tool.
- Some minor fixes.
June 10, 2016 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 3.6
- Now you can use external JavaScript libraries in the Shell. Use the Shell options tab for adding your extensions to the Shell.
- Now the Shell includes two useful extensions – moment.js and lodash.js. You can use these libraries directly in your shell scripts.
- Added ability of multiple document and field deletions in the Tree and Table data views.
- Added ability to copy several selected documents to the Clipboard in tab-delimited (Excel) format in the Table data view.
- Added ‘Force replica set member to become primary’ operation to DB Explorer menu.
- Now it is possible to copy several selected documents to the Clipboard in the Tree and Table data views.
May 28, 2016 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 2.2
- Added support of Cassandra 3.0-3.5.
- Added ‘Import Data from External Database’ tool that allows importing tables from SQL Server and MySQL databases.
- Added ability to add indices on map keys and values.
- Some minor visual improvements.
May 11, 2016 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 2.1
- Export Data Wizard added. Now you can export tables data and results retrieved in CQL Editor to JSON, CSV, XML and XLSX formats.
- Added ability to establish SSH tunnels for database connections.
- Ctrl+Tab keys combination now calls Active Windows list and allows toggling between most recently used tabs instead of circular.
- Now TAB key works as the auto-complete key in CQL Editor.
- Update dialog displayed incorrect release date in some cases. Fixed now.
- Now you can renew an expired Maintenance from Unregistered Copy dialog.
- Some minor visual improvements.
April 28, 2016 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB
- Creating a new user in database doesn’t require password now.
- ‘PEM file doesn’t contain a private key.’ error has occurred for some kinds of PEM files while configuring SSL connection. Fixed now.
- ‘Null reference’ exception has occurred while adding an user on MongoDB 2.4. Fixed now.
April 21, 2016 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 3.5
- Now you can get Shell commands for many actons like create and update collections and users. It is a great help to any beginner who want to learn the MongoDB Shell scripts.
- Added ‘Generate Command’ command to DB Explorer context menu. That allows to get commonly used Shell commands for selected database item.
- Added ‘Fields display order’ option.That allows to set fields order in Tree View and Table View.Unsorted, Sort by name, Sort by Projection and Name orders are available.
- Ctrl+Tab keys combination now calls Active Windows list and allows toggling between most recently used tabs instead of circular.
- Export Data Wizard: added ability of data export to XLSX (MS Excel 2007) files.
- Export Data Wizard: added ability to specify TAB character as fields delimiter for CSV files.
- Binary Value Editor is significantly improved. Now you can set Binary Type, view and edit data in Base64 format, load and save data from file, generate UUID.
- Now you can rename collections from DB Explorer context menu or with Collection Editor.
- DB Explorer now shows system database.
- Text editors in Shell, Data Filter and Map-Reduce Editor now allow to use Input Method Editors (IMEs) to enter complex characters in different East Asian languages like Japanese and Korean.
- Added ‘Show passwords’ option.When this option is on, password editors show passwords as plain text.
- Now TAB key works as the auto-complete key in Shell.
- Fixed ‘MSVCR120.dll missing’ error that occurred in Shell on MS Windows 2008 operating system.
- Fixed ‘unknown option ssl’ issue occurred in Shell during connections to MongoDB servers 2.6 and earlier.
March 12, 2016 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 3.4.3
- Fixed issue with the GSSAPI (Kerberos) authentication in the Shell.
February 17, 2016 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 3.4.2
- Fixed ‘Timeout error’ that occurred sometimes for sharded cluster and standalone host connections.
- Update dialog displayed incorrect release date in some cases. Fixed now.
- Now you can renew an expired Maintenance from Unregistered Copy dialog.
February 4, 2016 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 3.4
- Now you can import documents from CSV and JSON files with ‘Import Data from File’ tool. This tool is available from Main Window toolbar and from Collection Editor window.
- Added ability to specify a connection color (MongoDB Connection Properties->Options tab->Connection color). The specified color is used to highlight the connection name in DB Explorer, on Window tabs and in Windows menu. That allows to work with many servers more productive.
- Sharded Cluster connection mode added.
- Shortcuts added to DB Explorer. Now you can use Del key for deletion, Enter to open an object editor and Ctrl+N to create a new object.
- Syntax highlighting added to Java Script field editor.
- HTTP Console now connects in background and doesn’t block the application during the connection.
- ‘Object refecence not set to an instance of an object’ error had occurred sometimes during connection to a replica set. Fixed now.
- Shell had interpreted multiline comments /* … */ in the last line as a command. Fixed now.
- Invalid datetime values are displayed correctly now.
December 27, 2015 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 3.3
- Significant improvements have been made in Export Data Wizard:
- You can easily select fields for export with new user-friendly dialog now (CSV format).
- ‘Output data in Strict mode’ option added for JSON file format.
- ‘Write documents as a single JSON array’ option added.
- Using of ObjectID(), ISODate() and Timestamp() wrapper classes is optional now for CSV format.
- Import Data from External Database: MySQL command timeout option added.
- DB Explorer: ‘Expand collections folder after database connection established’ option added.
- New Document and Edit Value dialog windows are resizable now.
- Shell displays command execution time now.
- Zero precision of float values was truncated in output CSV files. Fixed now.
- Some minor fixes.
December 11, 2015 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 3.2
- Export Data Wizard exports filtered documents now when filter is activated in Collection Editor.
- Import Data from External Database: now you can change imported collections names.
- ‘Date and time format’ option added. This option allows to choose UTC or Local time representation.
- ‘Do not load documents automatically when opening Data tab’ option added to Collection Editor.
- Collection Editor: Export Data Wizard ignores limit option now.
- ‘Do not write command text to result for multi-command scripts’ option added to Shell.
- Maximum value of port number in Add Replica Set Dialog was limited to 60000. Fixed now.
- Collection Editor showed sparse indexes on wiredTiger collections as non-sparse. Fixed now.
- Copy Collections tool doesn’t miss sparse flag of copied indexes now.
- Now you can use double click to open selected file in File Manager.
- Shell didn’t return a syntax error in some cases. Fixed now.
- Shell tried to establish direct connections to replica set members instead of SSH tunnels in cases when the replica set members have personal SSH tunnels. Fixed now.
- Some minor fixes.
December 5, 2015 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 2.0
- Added support of Cassandra 2.2.
- Added support of user-defined types.
- Added support of triggers.
- Table editor supports frozen, tuple and used-defined columns now.
- Data Grid can display multiline text fields now.
- Data Grid displays user-defined and tuple types now.
- Some other improvements and bugfixes done.
November 30, 2015 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 3.1.1
- Collection Editor showed sparse indexes on wiredTiger collections as non-sparse. Fixed now.
- Copy Collections tool doesn’t miss sparse flag of copied indexes now.
- Now you can use double click to open selected file in File Manager.
- Shell didn’t return a syntax error in some cases. Fixed now.
- Shell tried to establish direct connections to replica set members instead of use SSH tunnels in cases when the replica set members have personal SSH tunnels. Fixed now.
October 11, 2015 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 1.2
- Now you can execute several CQL commands in CQL Editor.
- ‘Execute Statement under Cursor’ menu command added to CQL Editor.
- ‘Execute Selected’ menu command added to CQL Editor.
- Code autocompletion feature added to CQL Editor.
- Now you can use Favorite Scripts feature to store your frequently used scripts in CQL Editor.
- Now connections are established automatically with server or database folder expanding in DB Explorer.
- Application can check for updates automatically now.
- DB Explorer: right mouse button click changes focused item now.
- Width of DB Explorer panel is saved between sessions now.
- Data Grid showed timestamp fields incorrectly. Fixed now.
October 8, 2015 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 3.1
- Copy Collections tool copies collections’ indexes now.
- Table View displays multiline text fields now.
- Now it is possible to copy collections’ structure without data in Copy Collections tool.
- Now Shell shows execution time for each command while multiple commands executing.
- Added Legacy UUID Encoding option.
- Now Shell displays a warning when executes unclosed statements like ‘db.collection.find(‘.
- Collection Editor showed unique indexes on wiredTiger collections as non-unique. Fixed now.
- An error occurred when Table View displayed documents with _id of document type with an UUID field. Fixed now.
- ‘Byte array must be 12 bytes long.Parameter name: bytes’ error occurred in File Manager when _id fields have differ from ObjecId type. Fixed now.
- Import Connection String feature now imports correctly hosts with ‘-‘ characters inside.
- Some minor visual improvements.
September 10, 2015 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 3.0
- Now it is possible to edit results of the db.collection.find() commands in the Shell.
- Now you can use Favorite Scripts feature to store your frequently used scripts in the Shell.
- Added ability to filter and order documents on Data tab of the Collection Editor.
- Added support of MONGODB-X509 authentication protocol for MongoDB connections.
- Now connections are established automatically with server or database folder expanding in the DB Explorer.
- Width of the DB Explorer panel is saved between sessions now.
- Collection Editor remembers recently openned tab now.
- Now the notimeout option is used for data retrieving in the Copy Collections tool.
- Some other minor improvements.
August 28, 2015 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB
- Shell: Missing expected field “pwd” error fixed.
- Shell: ‘SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier’ error fixed.
- Some other minor improvements.
July 4, 2015 NoSQL Manager for Cassandra 1.1
- Added support of Cassandra 1.2.
- Columns order in Table Editor is correct now.
- Some other minor improvements.
June 26, 2015 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB Professional 2.9
- Added ‘Import Data from External Database’ tool that allows importing tables from SQL Server and MySQL databases.
- Shell now displays UTF8 output data correctly.
- Added ability to edit field values in Table View.
- Shell now supports KERBEROS and PLAIN authentication protocols.
- Some other minor improvements.
08.06.2015 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB Professional 2.8
- Shell: ‘Explain Query under Cursor’ menu command added.
- SSH tunneling: support of private key passphrases added.
- Added support of KERBEROS authentication protocol for MongoDB connections.
- Added ability to open more than one Shell for a database or host object.
- Application can check for updates automatically now.
- MongoDB Connection Properties: export connection string feature added.
- DB Explorer: right mouse button click changes focused item now.
- Data Export Wizard: the millisecond precision of date fields was lost while exporting to CSV. Fixed now.
- Now warnings are displayed if one or several SSH connectons failed while connecting to a replica set.
- Some other minor improvements.
22.05.2015 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB Professional 2.7
- Added Copy Collections Tool. Now you can copy one or more collections from one MongoDB database to another database or server. You can call this tool from Main Toolbar, DB Explorer popup menu when a Collections folder or a collection selected or from Collection Editor.
- Added tool tip that displays statistic information for an item when mouse cursor hovers on collection or database in DB Explorer.
- Added options that manage how to display array, document and binary data in Table View mode of Collection Editor.
- Some other minor improvements.
08.05.2015 Manager for MongoDB Professional 2.6
- Now Shell displays results of all commands of the executed script.
- ‘Execute Statement under Cursor’ menu command is added to Shell.
- ‘Execute Selected’ menu command is added to Shell.
- Data Editor: Now you can use JSON data when adding or editing fields of document and array types.
- DB Explorer: It was unable to delete users on MongoDB 3.0 server. Fixed now.
- Some other improvements and bugfixes done.
30.04.2015 Manager for MongoDB Professional 2.5
- Now you can add new documents to collections using JSON representation of the data.
- Ability to add and remove documents when Data Editor is in Table or in JSON view modes added.
- ‘Read preference mode’ option is added for replica set connections.
- ‘Write filenames without the paths’ option has been added to File Manager.
- File Manager works faster now.
- Now collections are sorted by name in DB Explorer.
- ‘Copy cell value to Clipbord’ function has been added to context menu of Data Editor.
- ‘Copy document to Clipbord’ function has been added to context menu of Data Editor.
- Now File Manager sets content type while adds new files.
- Some other improvements and bugfixes done.
15.04.2015 Manager for MongoDB Professional 2.4
- Now Shell can show documents using four view modes: Text, Tree, Table and JSON.
- Now you can export documents retrieved by Shell to JSON, CSV and XML formats.
- You can add new MongoDB connections easily using Import Connection String feature.
- Ability to copy element values to Clipbord using context menu is added to Tree and Table document view modes.
- Fixed System.InvalidCastException error that occurred sometimes in File Manager.
- Some other improvements and bugfixes done.
23.03.2015 Manager for MongoDB Professional 2.3
- Connecting to replica sets added. You can specify personal SSH tunnel for each replica set host.
- mongodump and mongorestore GUI tools now support authenticationDatabase command-line parameter.
- Now you can specify connection timeout in MongoDB Connection dialog.
- Ability to test SSH server connection is added to MongoDB Connection dialog.
- Connection testing process is interruptable now.
- Improved GUI.
- Some other improvements and bugfixes done.
15.03.2015 Manager for MongoDB Professional 2.2.1
- Fixed ‘Command ‘serverStatus’ failed: unauthorized…’ error that was being occurred during connection of an user without admin privileges.
12.03.2015 Manager for MongoDB Professional 2.2
- Support of SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication mechanism that MongoDB v3.0 uses by default added.
- Now Shell supports new commands that appeared in MongoDB v3.0.
- Now you can specify paths to mongodump and mongorestore utilities using View|Options dialog.
- Maximum value of port number in Register Server dialog was limited to 60000. Fixed now.
01.03.2015 We are pleased to announce our new tool – NoSQL Manager for Cassandra
- View and edit any data stored in Cassandra databases.
- Multiple host and database connections.
- Database Explorer for easy management of all Cassandra objects.
- Simple management of Cassandra keyspaces, tables, indices and users.
- Powerful CQL Editor tool with syntax highlight and multiple queries.
21.02.2015 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB Freeware 1.8
- Support for WiredTiger storage engine that appeared in MongoDB ver. 2.8. added
- Now you can use private keys for SSH authentication.
- Index Editor now supports text, GeoHaystack and 2d indexes.
- Collection Editor now allows to set autoIndexId, noPadding and storageEngine options.
- Collection Data Browser now loads data in background and allows to user to stop data loading anytime.
- Data Browser now applies data changes automatically.
- Document Editor now allows to use any data type for _id field.
- Added the possibility to add several elements quickly with ‘Add and Continue’ button in Element Editor.
- Added the possibility to add several indexes quickly with ‘Add and Continue’ button in Index Editor.
- Export Data Wizard now doesn’t froze GUI during exporting data.
- Fixed error in File Manager occurred when ContentType is equal to BsonNull value.
- Some other improvements and bugfixes.
12.02.2015 Manager for MongoDB Professional 2.1
- Added support of WiredTiger indexes that appeared in MongoDB ver. 2.8.
- Now you can use private keys for SSH authentication.
- Now Shell doesn’t freeze GUI when it loads a lot of documents.
- Added option to hide system collections in DB Explorer.
- Added options to hide shards and replica sets in DB Explorer.
- Some other improvements and bugfixes.
06.01.2015 We are pleased to announce the release of NoSQL Manager for MongoDB Professional 2.0
- Data Browser now can show documents using three modes: Tree View, Table View and Text View.
- DB Explorer now displays shards and replica sets.
- Added the possibility to add and remove replica sets.
- Added the possibility to add and remove shards of a sharded cluster.
- Added support for WiredTiger storage engine that appeared in MongoDB ver. 2.8.
- Index Editor now supports text, GeoHaystack and 2d indexes.
- Collection Editor now allows to set autoIndexId, noPadding and storageEngine options.
- Collection Data Browser now loads data in background and allows to user to stop data loading anytime.
- Data Browser now applies data changes automatically.
- Document Editor now allows to use any data type for _id field.
- Added the possibility to add several elements quickly with ‘Add and Continue’ button in Element Editor.
- Added the possibility to add several indexes quickly with ‘Add and Continue’ button in Index Editor.
- Export Data Wizard now doesn’t froze GUI during exporting data.
- Fixed error in File Manager occurred when ContentType is equal to BsonNull value.
- Some other improvements and bugfixes.
06.11.2014 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 1.7.2
- Now User Editor supports new authorization features added in MongoDB 2.6.
- Now you can create roles and specifies privileges using Role Editor.
26.10.2014 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 1.7.1
- Now you can specify authentication database when connecting to a MongoDB server with authentication.
- Added support of MongoDB 2.6. shell commands.
20.10.2014 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 1.7
- Now you can connect to MongoDB via SSH tunnel.
- Fixed Shell crashing issue.
03.08.2014 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 1.6
- Great progress in Shell Script Editor:
- Added ability to abort script execution.
- Now it’s possible to work with several script tabs in one Shell window.
- Now Shell restores the scripts created in a previous session.
- All results are displayed now. You don’t need to type ‘it’ for more result now.
- Added JavaScript Function Editor. Now you can manage JavaScript functions stored in the server.
- Added GUI for mongodump.exe utility.
- Added GUI for mongorestore.exe utility.
16.07.2014 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 1.5
- Shell Editor autocomplete feature added.
Autocompletion allows to autocomplete the collection names and methods in MongoDB and Shell commands. As text is typed into the Shell, the context of the cursor within the command provides an indication of whether the user needs a collection completion or a method completion. The collection completion provides a list of collection available in the current database. - Product news is available on Start Page. The latest tool news is displayed on Start Page now.
- The application restores window size and position saved in the last session.
29.04.2014 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 1.4
- HTTP Console added.
- Application options dialog added.
- Data Browser worked slowly on large collections. Fixed now.
07.04.2014 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 1.3
- userAdmin or userAdminAnyDatabase roles aren’t required any more for connection to a MongoDB server version 2.4 or higher when an authorization is enabled.
- Connection to MongoDB with SSL is supported now.
- Document Editor: inserting and editing of binary values are possible now.
- Create new user operaion generated a wrong password for MongoDB version 2.4 and higher. Fixed now.
- Export Data Wizard: Fixed export of binary values.
26.03.2014 Our company became a MongoDB Ready Partner.
10.03.2014 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 1.2
- Server Status Viewer added.
- Added the possibility to copy databases to the same or to another servers.
- Added the possibility to duplicate collections.
10.01.2014 NoSQL Manager for MongoDB 1.1
- Embedded mongoDB Shell added.
- Added support of MongoDB 2.4 database roles.